Crossroads Research

Lecture Series: An archaeology of early modern colonialism in the Pacific: preliminary investigations on Rota (CNMI), by María Cruz Berrocal

April 28, 2023, 10:00 AM CEST

The early modern European presence in the Pacific has received scarce attention compared to the later Anglo-American colonial process. In this talk, I will present the NAO project, which has been developing preliminary research around this presence and its consequences for the local populations. A new project has recently been started on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands in 2022. The initial results will be discussed.

María Cruz Berrocal is an archaeologist based at the Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas of the Universidad de Cantabria. She has a background in European prehistory and has been working in different archipelagos in the Pacific in the last decade, including Taiwan and the Spanish colonial foundations there. She has been researcher in different institutions, including the CSIC in Spain, the Universität Konstanz, the University of California Berkeley, and the Academia Sinica, National Taiwan Normal University, and Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. She edited the first ever published volumes on the historical archaeology of Asia-Pacific in 2017.

To register for the talk, please send us an e-mail.

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