Crossroads Research

Wakō zukan 倭寇图卷

Current Research at the CRC

Our journal “Crossroads – Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World”, has finally moved to Brill Publishers, and we slightly changed the title to “Crossroads – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Asian Interactions”. Our first issue with Brill, Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asian Interactions (CJAI), vol. 19 and 20, has just come out, see

Volumes 2 and 3 of “Crossroads – History of Interactions across the Silk Routes” have been published: Paul David Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo Moya, and Moldir Oskenbay, Crossroads of Cuisine The Eurasian Heartland, the Silk Roads and Food (vol. 2); Paul David Buell and Eugene N. Anderson, Arabic Medicine in China Tradition, Innovation, and Change (vol. 3); see

See also our most recent podcasts, seminars, and presentations.

Angela Schottenhammer, “’Peruvian balsam’”: an example of transoceanic transfer of medicinal knowledge”, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2020) 16:69,;

Angela Schottenhammer, “Connecting China with the Pacific World?”, Orientierungen. Zeitschrift zur Kultur Asiens 31 (2019), 111-170.

Due to COVID-19, our piracy video documentation, “Piracy in Historical Asia”, will be somewhat delayed, but we hope to be able to complete the video soon!